I create webpages for people and businesses occasionally, 
and if you like these pages, feel free to contact me to discuss prices.

My emphasis is on a user-friendly, "home style" design format, and the majority of pages I have created fall under the horse/ranch/western/outdoor category.

Please follow these links to visit the homepages in my current "resume", and I hope you enjoy what you see !



Rocking J Ranch  Custom Model Horses

T BAR T RANCH  paint horses

Mingo Morvin Photography  Wild Life/Nature

T Circle Ranch   Paints & Aussies

Chute 4 Sports Promotions
This site is currently out of date, but  I use it for display 
purposes. Chute 4 is currently deciding on their new 
promotional  direction.

Home         Gotta Wear Shades     Horses for sale

 Foal Scrapbook     Our Mares       the CRR  Horse Family  

Links & Webrings        About the Paint Horse   

Last Updated 8/18/03